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Apprenticeship Programs

NAPS/NATS Apprenticeship Program:

Two significant apprenticeship programs that are promoted by Skill India inaccordance with the directives of the central government are the NationalApprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) and the National Apprenticeship TrainingScheme (NATS). The government's prescribed compliances must be followed by all employers.

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Skill Developments & Trainings:

Skill Development dedicated to empowering India's youth through comprehensive skill development under NSDC.

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Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc)- Certification:

B.Voc degree is a relatively new type of Graduation degree in India, introduced toprovide specialized vocational education and training. The course is structured such that 40% of the time is spent on theory and the remaining 60% is spent on practical activities, such as workshops, internships, and other experiences that help students get more exposure to the outside world.

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RPL - Recognition of Prior Learning:

RPL is a skill certification component to enable Indian youth to take on industry relevant skill certification which will help them to secure a better livelihood.

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